ARES®/ A.L.E.R.T Information Sheet
ARES®/ A.L.E.R.T. Unit Number:_____
Please Print Clearly Date Submitted: _______________________
Name:_________________________________ Callsign:__________ License Class _________
Address:__________________________________ City:_________________ Zip:___________
Home Phone:____________________________ Cell Phone:____________________________
Work Phone:_____________________________ E-Mail:________________________________
Full time resident: Yes ___ No ___ (If No, please show permanent home address below)
Address:__________________________________ City:_________________ Zip:___________
In a weather disaster — I can help: Before:___ During:___ After:___ Monitor At Home:___
Can you respond if called at 2 am for a local emergency? Yes ___ No ___
Training History: CHECK those you have completed and have Certificates for…
FEMA Training: IS-100b:____ IS-200b:____ IS-700a:____ IS-800b:____
Other FEMA courses: (Please List)_________________________________________________
SKYWARN training within the last 2 years? ___ Where?________________ CERT Training ___
ARRL Courses (No longer available): Emcomm I:___ Emcomm II:___ Emcomm III:___
ARRL (Newest EMCOMM program): Introduction to Emergency Communications (EC-001): ___
ARRL Public Service and Emergency Communications Management (EC-016): ____
ARRL Public Relations Course (PR-101): ____
Please list other Emergency Related Training on other side…
I have radio transceivers and antennas capable of operation as follows:
HOME QTH: 160 Meters___ 80___ 60 ___ 40___ 20 ___ 17___ 15 ___ 12 ___ 10 ___ 6___
Modes: CW ___ AM ___ SSB ___ Digital ___ WinLink ___ Others: ________________________
VHF/UHF: Analog on: 2 Meters ___ 1 ¼ Meters ___ 70 Cm. ___ WinLink ___
VHF/UHF: Yaesu FUSION on 2 Meters ___ 70 Cm. ___ DMR on 2 Meters ___ 70 Cm. ___
Can your home station be operated without commercial power? Yes ___ No ___
Mobile Capabilities: HF __ 2 Meters __ 1¼ Meters __ 70 Cm.: __ HF __ APRS __
Yaesu Fusion: VHF__ UHF __ DMR : VHF __ UHF __ WinLink __
Portable Capabilities: HF __ 2 Meters __ 1¼ Meters __ 70 Cm.: __ HF __ APRS __
Yaesu Fusion: VHF__ UHF __ DMR : VHF __ UHF __ WinLink __
Use Other Side for Comments and Additional Training Info. Rev: January 2018
Additional FEMA Training: