My name is Rich Schnieders KR4PI, and I am the ARRL appointed ARES Emergency Coordinator in Lee County, FL. I invite you to join our ARES Team. We meet on the air every Wednesday evening at 7:00 pm on the Fort Myers Amateur Radio Club’s repeater system. We also meet monthly in-person on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at the Lee County Emergency Operations Center located at 2675 Ortiz Avenue in Fort Myers.
Please feel free to check in to our Wednesday net or come to the in-person meeting. All are welcome. There is no prior training required for membership. We provide the all the needed education and training.
If you are interested in joining our Team, fill out the ARES application (the button on the left) and the Lee County Volunteer application (the button on the right). Once you complete the applications, you will hear from Don Domina KCØDE. Don is responsible for new member processing and onboarding. You can reach Don at: 314/406-4838 or email aec-Admin@LeeARES.com
Please contact Don or email me if you have any questions. My email is ec@LeeARES.com.
The only requirements to join are you must hold a current US Amateur Radio license and you must pass a Lee County Volunteer Background Check. There is no cost to you. You must complete both applications.
If you don’t have an Amateur Radio License…no problem. Getting licensed and on the air is a simple process. There are study guides and free online classes. The Ft Myers Amateur Radio Club offers free mentoring for those who are studying. The mentors can help guide you through any issues you might be having while reviewing the study guide. The club also offers free license sessions in Lee County once a month when you are ready to take the test. Finally, low cost hand held radios and free programming are available. We have tried to make it easy. You can begin by pushing the “BECOME A HAM” Button.
Become A Ham ARES Application Form Lee County Volunteer Application