John Wells, W4CMH Logistics Section Chief
John is a licensed Amateur Radio operator and belonged to an Amateur Radio Explorer Post affiliated with the Boy Scouts of America when he was much younger. His interest in radio continued as he enlisted in the U.S. Air Force and became a Radio Communications Analyst. This experience allowed him to have exposure to many different modes of communication. After being honorably discharged, he completed a law enforcement career which continued his use of radio communications. During that time, John became a state police instructor and college adjunct instructor. Today, in addition to continuing to be a college instructor, he also is a guest teacher for our local school district. All his instructor positions have allowed him the opportunity to design and develop course material and teach using various methods of instruction.
After his retirement from law enforcement, he finally found time to become active in the radio hobby again. This desire led to the Fort Myers Amateur Radio Club and ultimately to obtaining his Amateur Radio license with Amateur Extra privileges. He has held or continues to serve in several positions within the emergency communication field, including Assistant Emergency Coordinator, Section Emergency Coordinator, District Emergency Coordinator, Official Relay Station, and Public Information Officer. John has completed numerous FEMA and other related courses to further his knowledge when utilizing amateur radio communications during emergencies.
His interest in emergency communication segued perfectly into his activities with the National Traffic System (NTS). He is a Net Control Station, liaison between a local net and HF nets, and regularly handles messages sent via radio. John’s experience with teaching, ARES, and NTS procedures has enabled him to create course material, instruct new operators on procedures, and conduct classes on how to complete and send Radiograms, ICS Forms, and other message formats.