LeeARES and the National Weather Service present
This is the basic Skywarn course (required for LeeARES members). Based on available space, the general public are also invited. Pre-registration is required. Simply fill out the form on this page to pre-register.
The course will be held at 12:00 noon on Saturday August 17, 2024. The course will take about 2 hours and will be taught by a Meteorologist from the NWS office in Ruskin, FL.
Lee County Emergency Operations Center
2675 Ortiz Avenue
Fort Myers, FL
Program begins at noon – Doors open at 11:30
Course Description :
- Basics of thunderstorm development
- Fundamentals of storm structure
- Identifying potential severe weather features
- Information to report
- How to report information
- Basic severe weather safety
Please Note:
Complete a registration form for each person attending. That way we will be able to issue completion certificates to the emails of individuals. Thank you.
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