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ARES® in Lee County Florida

Thank you for visiting the Amateur Radio Emergency Service® (ARES®) in Lee County, Florida website.    ARES in Lee County is a vibrant and active group that supports various entities with backup emergency communications. 

ARES itself is a public service organization sponsored by the American Radio Relay League. Its members are licensed Amateur Radio Operators who have voluntarily registered their qualifications and equipment to provide emergency communications as needed, and communications support to public service events. Membership in ARRL is NOT a requirement to join ARES nor is membership in any amateur radio club required. It is open to ALL licensed Amateur Radio Operators. 

In Lee County, Florida, ARES works closely with the county Emergency Management organization.  One of our primary functions is to offer backup communications in area shelters and with area first responders in the event of a catastrophic communications failure. 

In officially declared emergencies, ARES® members registered with RACES (Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service) may support state and local governments under the authority of the Office of Emergency Management. All Lee County, Florida, ARES/RACES members are registered with both ARES and RACES. 

If you have an interest in joining ARES or would just like some more information, please look through this website.  If you wish to join, simply click the “Membership” button at the top of the page and follow the links.   If you just have a question, use the “Contact Us” button. 

Thanks again for visiting our page.

Rich Schnieders KR4PI Lee County EC