Lee County ARES

Lee County Florida


The ARES® Command and General Staff is organized under the ICS (Incident Command System) Structure.

Join Us

Joining ARES is easy.  Just complete two online applications (one for ARES and one for Lee County Volunteers).  The only ARES requirement is that you are a licensed Amateur Radio Operator.


ARES Training is free and self paced.  We use a variety of methods including in person sessions, FEMA ICS on line classes, ARRL instruction and targeted skills like net control and Winlink.  And again…it is FREE.


The most current  information about Lee County ARES and our upcoming meetings and training can be found here.

Lee County EOC

Our hosts in Lee County.  As part of the County’s Emergency Plan, ARES is an important source of support in the event of an emergency.

Contact Us

If you have a question or comment, feel free to drop us a comment here.


Over time we have accumulated much information about ARES and the Amateur Radio community locally.  You can find it here.


There is a tremendous amount of information about emergency preparedness, sister organizations, and amateur radio.

Meeting Presentations

Most of the presentations from the in-person ARES meetings can be found here.


Frequently Asked Questions


When All Else Fails…Amateur Radio Comes Through.

The Amateur Radio Emergency Service® (ARES®) is a public service organization sponsored by the American Radio Relay League. Its members are licensed Amateur Radio Operators who have voluntarily registered their qualifications and equipment to provide emergency communications as needed, and communications support to public service events. (Membership in ARRL is NOT a requirement to join ARES nor is membership in any amateur radio club required. It is open to ALL licensed Amateur Radio Operators.)

In officially declared emergencies, ARES® members registered with RACES may support state and local governments under the authority of the Office of Emergency Management. All Lee County, Florida, ARES/RACES members are registered with both ARES and RACES.

Lee County ARES®


There is a lot happening in ARES in Lee County.  These links will get you there fast.

Meetings and Nets

Meeting Schedule

In-Person Meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at the Lee County Emergency Operations Center 2675 Ortiz Avenue, Fort Myers, FL 33905

On Air Nets

On-Air ARES Net can be found each Wednesday at 7:00 PM


The most current information about Lee County ARES and our upcoming meetings and training can be found here.


Achievments and Congratulations

Check here for ARES members accomplishments and activities.  It’s the members that make a volunteer organization…..

Preparation & Deployment

Being prepared is the key to surviving a disaster.  ARES in Lee County supports Emergency Management and other served agencies.  Our members provide backup emergency communications.  We are “ready to go” with minimal notice and are self sufficient.  

In beautiful southwest Florida, we all need to be ready….just in case.  We have gathered info on being personally prepared and you can find it on these pages.  Check them out.


Our Team

There are a number of reasons why an organization needs a strong and dedicated leadership cadre.  Our  team meets all the requirements for those.

Rich Schnieders, KR4PI
Lee County Emergency Coordinator
Retired from the Lee County Sheriff’s office, Rich brings years of service to his role.


Dave Sheppard W2PAX

AEC – Operations Section Chief

Dave spent the early part of his career as a volunteer EMT for an ambulance service


John Wells W4CMH

AEC – Logistics Section Chief

John is a former Police Officer and Fire Department Investigator


Jeff Kennedy NK4AA

AEC – Planning Section Chief and PIO

Jeff’s background includes many years as a local hospital Pharmacist


Don Domina KCØDE

AEC – Administration Section Chief

Don spent years in Corporate Management and in Sales


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